Nataliya N. Ormont
Senior Research Scientist
Graduated from Moscow State University (1964). Ph.D. in Physics (1975)
Scientific interests:
Photoelectric phenomena and metastability in amorphous
Recent publications:
- I.P. Zvyagin, I.A. Kurova and N.N. Ormont.
On the nature of
photo-induced defects and recombination mechanisms in light-soaked a-Si:H films.
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 164-166, Pt. 1, 631 (1993).
- I.P. Zvyagin, I.A. Kurova and N.N. Ormont. Nature of photoinduced defects
in hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Semiconductors 27, 942 (1993).
- I.A. Kurova, A.N. Lupacheva, N.V. Meleshko, N.N. Ormont and L.P. Avakyants.
Electrical properties of a-Si:H(B) films subjected to intense light pulses.
Semiconductors 28, 72 (1994).
- I.A. Kurova, O.N. Miroshnik and N.N. Ormont. Effect of high-temperature
annealing on the electrical and photoelectric properties of compensated
a-Si:H films containing boron and fluorine. Semiconductors 30, 391
- I.P. Zvyagin, I.A. Kurova, N.N. Ormont.
Variable range hopping in
hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Phys. Status Solidi C, 1, 101-104
Phone: (495) 939-3917
Physics of Semiconductors division