The paper is published in Phys.Stat.Sol.(b) 230(1), 151-155 (2002).

Conduction in Granular Metals: Virtual State-Assisted Hopping

I.P. Zvyagin, R. Keiper

We discuss the calculation of the d.c. conductivity of granular metals on the insulating side of the metal--insulator transition. The granular structure is represented by a fractal percolation cluster and the problem of virtual tunneling-assisted conductivity is shown to be related to estimating the number of minimal paths for the problem of chemical distance metric on the fractal. The resulting conductivity temperature dependence has a form ln(sigma)=const-(T0/T)x, where x=zeta/(DB+zeta), DB is the fractal dimensionality of the backbone cluster and zeta is the superlocalization exponent. This gives the value of x close to 0.4 both in two and three dimensions that agrees fairly well with the experimental value x about 0.5 for many granular conductors.

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